The Investors Interchange Event was held successfully in Boyalık Beach Hotel & Spa Çeşme on June 17th. In the event, that aimed to bring together Accelerate İzmir 1st Cohort companies with investors, 16 companies had the opportunity to conduct interviews with 25 investors.
Miray Şanlı Taşkın, İzmir NIC Project Coordinator, gave an opening and welcoming address to kick off the programme. There followed a presentation, where David Tee, Project Team Leader, gave an overview of the project and discussed the Accelerate İzmir programme. The session was concluded with the Commercialisation Key Expert Gökhan Çelebi, introducing the 2-minute presentations that each company would be giving.
At the event, 16 companies pitched their projects to investors, offering details and key aspects regarding each feature. Companies also answered investors’ inquiries, in a question-and-answer session.
In the afternoon, over 100 one-to-one meetings were conductedbetween the companies and investors. Accelerate İzmir companies had the opportunity to explore their potential and receive feedback from investors at the event. The event brought companies and investors together at a table for 20 minutes. Each company had the opportunity to have in-depth conversations with the investors, where they discussed their business ideas and partnership possibilities. The session provided the companies with an enhanced network as well, with each company adding valuable contacts in their existing networks. The companies were provided with different perspectives and approaches, which were built upon years of experience. This was the event’s longest segment, lasting around 3 hours.
Next up, the companies will be on the stage for the Demo-Day to be held on June 23rd, in Teknopark İzmir!
İzmir NIC – İzmir Network and Innovation Centre Project
İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) Project, is implemented by Teknopark İzmir within the scope of the Ministry of Industry and Technology Competitive Sectors Programme, realised with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, aiming to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products, by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. The project, focusing on ICT and RE sectors, which are among the pioneers of economic development; aims to increase the capacities of innovation ecosystem actors (SME, Start-up, TTO, TGB, R&D Centres, etc.) in İzmir through training, Acceleration programmes, mentoring support, and networking activities.
The project, implemented with partners İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD), will run for 3 years.