İzmir Network and Innovation Centre Project

The İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) Project is carried out under the Competitive Sectors Programme, financed within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. The project, implemented by Teknopark İzmir with partners as İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD), is planned to be completed in 3 years with a budget of 3 million Euros.

The İzmir NIC project’s purpose is to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products, by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. Focusing on the renewable energy sector with information and communication technologies, which are among the pioneers of economic development, the project improves the capacity of ecosystem actors (SMEs, Start-ups, TTOs, TDZs, R&D Centres etc.) in İzmir, with training, consultancy and networking activities.

Project Structure

The Project is structured around three core and two cross-cutting activities. The core activities are:

The cross-cutting activities are: