The first meeting of the Izmir NIC Ecosystem Development Programme, held on March 9, 2022 at Kaya İzmir Thermal & Convention Hotel, brought together some of the most influential ecosystem actors of Izmir. The meeting was opened with, Teknopark İzmir General Manager and İzmir NIC Project SRER (Senior Representative of End Recipient) Prof. Dr. Metin Tanoğlu’s inaugural address and presentation titled “The Role of İzmir NIC in the İzmir Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”. Prof. Dr. Tanoğlu remarked in his speech, “We aspire to bring İzmir to a position where it can compete with the world cities. With our “Common Future” mission, we began out with the intention of taking our ecosystem to the worldwide standards within the framework of the Izmir NIC Project.”
The Ecosystem Development Programme is carried out in an effort to enhance the entrepreneurship ecosystem, with the support and cooperation of the Izmir Development Agency (IZKA), within the scope of the Izmir NIC Project, financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, implemented by Teknopark Izmir. The aim is to make Izmir the most attractive place for innovative entrepreneurs to establish and operate their businesses, leading to enhanced socio-economic development of the region, while increasing the ability of the city’s startup and innovation ecosystem to help innovative technology-based companies to commercialise and internationalise. The meeting continued with a presentation by the Izmir NIC Project Technical Assistance Team Leader David Tee, where he shared detailed information on the Izmir NIC Ecosystem Development programme.
There followed a speech by IZTECH (Izmir Technology Institute) Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran, where he remarked: “Universities also play a crucial role in the development of the Izmir entrepreneurship ecosystem. As Izmir universities, we are eager to contribute to the growth of our city.” The meeting then resumed with The Honourable Yavuz Selim Köşger, Governor of İzmir Municipality delivering his appraisal remarks. The Honourable Governor Mr. Köşger concluded his address by stating, “Izmir NIC Project will assist significantly to the achievement of our targets in the spheres of technology and innovation.”
In the final session of the meeting, Izmir Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Stakeholders, who will influence the work, offered their advice and feedback. The Partnership Strategy development will be carried out in the months to come with the participation of representatives from the relevant institutions.
İzmir NIC – İzmir Network and Innovation Centre Project
İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) Project, is implemented by Teknopark İzmir within the scope of the Ministry of Industry and Technology Competitive Sectors Programme, realised with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, aiming to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products, by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. The project, focusing on ICT and RE sectors, which are among the pioneers of economic development; aims to increase the capacities of innovation ecosystem actors (SME, Start-up, TTO, TGB, R&D Centres, etc.) in İzmir through trainings, Acceleration programmes, mentoring support, and networking activities.
The project, implemented with partners İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD), will run for 3 years.