İzmir NIC Talks series event was held in IzQ on 14 December 2022 within the framework of the İzmir NIC Project, which Teknopark İzmir carries out, aiming at the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products by developing strategic networks and partnerships. Curiosities about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technologies were discussed in all aspects at the event.
The event started with the opening speech of Project Coordinator Miray Şanlı Taşkın. Ms. Şanlı Taşkın and İzmir NIC Team Leader David Tee then continued with presentations giving information about the Accelerate İzmir Programme within the scope of İzmir NIC Project, which provides support to selected companies in many areas such as training, mentoring, access to markets, legal service support, investor meetings and networking activities. continued. On the other hand, İzmir NIC Project Key Expert Gökhan Çelebi moderated fireside-chat sessions and gave general information about Accelerate İzmir.
In the morning sessions of the event, it was aimed to meet the participants within the scope of networking activities, which is one of the aims of the programme, and to share about their own sector and areas of expertise. In the afternoon sessions of the event, two of the selected companies of Accelerate İzmir First Cohort, Burç Uzalp from FS Software and Yunus Emre Aslan from Empactivo, shared their experiences on Accelerate İzmir as the guests of the fireside-chat sessions.
In the last part of the event, Crypto Index Series CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Emine Gökçe Phillips attended the panel as a Keynote Speaker and talked about “The Effects of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies on Our Financial Life”. Dr. Phillips answered the questions by explaining the concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrency from a different perspective to the participants and guiding them about the opportunities that await them in the future.
İzmir NIC – İzmir Network and Innovation Centre Project
İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) Project, is implemented by Teknopark İzmir within the scope of the Ministry of Industry and Technology Competitive Sectors Programme, realised with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, aiming to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products, by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. The project, focusing on ICT and RE sectors, which are among the pioneers of economic development; aims to increase the capacities of innovation ecosystem actors (SME, Start-up, TTO, TGB, R&D Centres, etc.) in İzmir through training, Acceleration programmes, mentoring support, and networking activities.
The project, implemented with partners İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD), will run for 3 years.