The second internationalisation networking activity within the scope of Accelerate Izmir programme, realised as part of the Izmir NIC Project, implemented by Teknopark Izmir, was successfully completed between October 2 and 8, 2022.

Following the completion of extensive market analysis reports of the two selected companies, selected as part of the Internationalisation Plus Service, the UK mission was structured, and contacts were made with the connections in the UK. The selected companies liaised with the contacts to plan their meetings. The two Accelerate İzmir companies, namely SadeLabs and Arventek, develop software and hardware platform RemoteSite Platform for industrial IoT Applications and unmanned vehicles Skywen Dron in the construction field, respectively. Within the scope of the visits, with different programmes structured for each company, a total of thirty one-to-one meetings were held.

On October 3, a meeting was held in London with the officials of the Department of International Trade (DIT). At the meeting where the companies made their presentations, İzmir NIC Entrepreneurship Expert Burak Köle presented Teknopark İzmir and İzmir NIC Project. The meeting, which was honoured by DIT Project Manager Mark Anthony Fevrier, concluded with the presentations of DIT representatives.

Within the framework of the mission, the İzmir NIC Project Team and Accelerate İzmir companies visited Trade Advisor Mr Devlet Selim Paslı at the Turkish Embassy in London. Mr Devlet Selim Paslı explained the support offered to technology companies at the meeting held. In addition to emphasising the support provided by the Turkish Embassy in London to entrepreneurs, Accelerate Izmir companies had the opportunity to present their activities to an international audience.

Furthermore, as additional support during the mission, the selected Accelerate Izmir companies participated in events relevant to their sectors. Merve Mança from Arventek successfully took part in the UK Construction Week event held in Birmingham and established important networks. In the meantime, Sade Labs participated in the NTT DATA Event. Following the events, the companies continued their negotiations with potential investors and customers.

As part of the UK programme, Izmir NIC Project and Teknopark Izmir were introduced to important connections, while building new contacts with technology development and entrepreneurial support institutions, such as the Energy System Catapult, West Midlands Growth Company, University of Warwick Science Park and Coventry University Enterprise. The mission was completed in a week, during which project activities and the Izmir entrepreneurship ecosystem were introduced, important cooperation steps were taken in terms of internationalisation and potential partners were acquired.

İzmir NIC – İzmir Network and Innovation Centre Project

İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) Project, is implemented by Teknopark İzmir within the scope of the Ministry of Industry and Technology Competitive Sectors Programme, realised with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, aiming to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products, by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. The project, focusing on ICT and RE sectors, which are among the pioneers of economic development; aims to increase the capacities of innovation ecosystem actors (SME, Start-up, TTO, TGB, R&D Centres, etc.) in İzmir through training, Acceleration programmes, mentoring support, and networking activities.

The project, implemented with partners İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD), will run for 3 years.